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  • i would be so frustrated, my gosh. i give you props for sticking to it though. ahha.
    oh i hate waiting for shows.. i usually wait for the hype to die down and bit and the seasons to rack up or the episodes at least, and just binge watch instead. i can't deal with not knowing whats going to happen. frustrates the hell out of me, my goodness.
    yeah that thread is huge omg, i didn't even try honestly. im not THAT lucky. i hope you win :')
    oh wow, thats nice though. a nice relaxing evening ahead of you i hope. my day is just starting, it's only 11 am here, but i'm sure it'll zoom by once i finally start doing things i need to do. (like cleaning the house and finishing up laundry and such)

    i've never watched twd, but it's pretty popular. is it good?
    haha mine's p nice though it's all peachy

    uh nvm that

    but as in that i meant people who just spams or ask rude stuff in general.
    i'm doing well, haha. how about yourself?
    it's chilly today so i can stay inside and drink coffee all day long and be a good toesack.

    what are you plans for the day?
    wait uh you mean accents in letters or verbally? LOL I was talking about speaking in those European accents and not typing them lmao. I usually just google them or something when I'm on PC and they're available on my phone.
    Hey European accents are pretty fancy, I've been able to mimic the French and Italian accents to some extent <: I had to use Google translate for that.
    hahah thanks <:

    oh yeah i did french for a few months until i ended up quitting, it was too hard for me. yeah they dont seem like subjects you need to invest much time into. oh yeah? it sounded pretty basic to me haha.

    yeah I'm getting over it, things seem to be easing up. i guess i'll be fine lol.
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