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  • hello I found you and I thought you were just so adoorrrabbblre like seriously you look like a cute little dollie omg, your avi and sig just works amazingly. let's be friends c:....,.
    Ok this is awkward :D

    enjoy your kawaii filled life *w*!
    I just finished the homework which was due for tomorrow, and now I've just finished making a path design on AC. ^^
    Chris needs more love ;_; I mean Becky come on who doesn't want to subscribe to her?
    I will never know who Dan's brother is. D;
    (perhaps if he does another phil is not on fire > : D )
    but if I'm being completely faithful and honest, PJ is number one bae out of them all
    (Not that one! xD I was confused. This one is @Howelly123
    My friend says it's Dan's brother but isn't his brother called Adrian?)
    if I'm going to be completely honest I lean more towards the Phillion crowd but let's be real, Dan is the shiz. :)
    (do you know if Luke howell has any relation to him? he's following me on twitter xD)

    o lol. Thx u. I was always gonna be called Niamh so I don't even get to fantasise over what I may have been called :(
    (v clever) <3

    Are you pregnant wtf im not even capable of pregnancy... Btw I luv ur name it's cute
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