In that case I do have all 3 pokemon that you want at the requested levels. Is 75TBT fair enough for all 3 of the pokemon? (I am not very good with determining prices)
Aah I don't know if you saw or not what I put in your thread but I got her for free ^^' So don't bother cycling her for me! Sorry if I made you loose some time T.T (But I feel you, cycling is difficult, especially when you want to keep all of your villagers but one...)
I posted in your thread. I was curious about your dream pokemon in return for your villagers. (Meaning what pokemon are you wanting) I have lots of legends, events, shinies (some with 5-6ivs)
Hey there, I reserved Kiki a few hours ago on your selling thread, and I just wanted to tell you that I made some room in my town, so I'm ready to buy her if she ever pings you
Alright~ and yep, I'm available. That's exactly how it works! Just give me random - I hesitate to say trash Pokémon, given the message of the games, lol, but that's pretty much it.
No problem! I also just found a Slowking in my box - would you be interested in adding that on? It was named in an earlier game, so I can't take it off - so I understand if not.
I don't think I will get Marshal, but thank you for being willing to lower the price. I will however, get the hairbow i am for sure wondering about the letter