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  • lets do dis
    yas I like tea
    They are though! I had a counselor who was one ( camp counselor ) and she was hilarious!
    Maybe someday xD
    I luff British accents though B3
    Irish and Scottish and British and everything just AHHHH I luff them
    Ah! I love the UK. I live in California, soooo...xD
    My dad is from there, so whenever I'm around someone from there, I get a British tinge to my voice. It's all my dad's fault! xP
    I'll get my report card in the mail sometime over the summer, hopefully.
    Last year it took until October because some kid cheated and they had to do it all over again.
    I'm thinking of starting up cycling again.
    Of course, last time I did was a disaster..

    "For telling those girls off. Sometimes they can get out of hand. Especially that Avalon. They pretty much think they're very mature, but I believe they are just acting as Adults."
    KILDOR is in league with Mr. L. He has converted to the dark side!
    He does talk crey crey
    He's convinced he's right
    gg friend xD
    I'm good. Feeling a bit meh after the whole Mr. L thing, but still good. ^^
    Ah, I hated those things! We had to run instead of walk...x3
    omg for some reason i thought i had already replied to you?? but apparently i didn't. ! i'm so sorry. ;; but I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. i feel like the game is cruel on purpose... especially when it knows you're resetting or something. <_< keep getting the same hideous villagers in a row.

    reminds me how i was resetting for marshal the other day and i kept getting hippeux... T_T like please hippeux, i'm sure someone else would love you... but i wouldn't.

    hmm i don't really agree with cap being replaceable though. i don't think anyone who can wield mjolnir can be easily replaced, unless you're talking about the actor or something. even then i think chris plays a good cap, he looks pretty good with that sort of comb over hairstyle.

    it seems like u have a type when it comes to guys though! all pale with dark hair. hehe
    im naughty filth rnt I

    u gonna b a lil snitch about my swears, u gon be a lil snitch and dare me 2 suture u

    it says right in my title snitches get sutures, u had it comin
    yes come over here ***** I got the needle ready and waiting sanitized with vodka or some ****, dental floss for the sutures, hardcore movie ****
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