D D darkrai491 Jun 8, 2016 You get bonus points for having Graham, Dierdre and Fang in your town, BTW. I have them in my town as well, and they're 3 of my favorite villagers hahaha
You get bonus points for having Graham, Dierdre and Fang in your town, BTW. I have them in my town as well, and they're 3 of my favorite villagers hahaha
D D darkrai491 Jun 8, 2016 Hi! I'm interested in Merengue, Cally, Samson, Peanut, Henry and Rosie's pics. Unfortunately, I can only offer igb :/ Is that a problem?
Hi! I'm interested in Merengue, Cally, Samson, Peanut, Henry and Rosie's pics. Unfortunately, I can only offer igb :/ Is that a problem?
Shinx Jun 6, 2016 hmmm.. nah. i only need one, lol. and cool! thanks so much. do you mind if we do the trade in your town? i'll send the tbt right now.
hmmm.. nah. i only need one, lol. and cool! thanks so much. do you mind if we do the trade in your town? i'll send the tbt right now.
Monsoon Jun 6, 2016 Hi there, I had already got the black roses from someone else. Thanks so much for taking the time for letting me know though, it is still appreciated.
Hi there, I had already got the black roses from someone else. Thanks so much for taking the time for letting me know though, it is still appreciated.
SolaireOfAstora Jun 2, 2016 No problem! The questions are in my fave subjects so, I figured I'd share the love!!