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  • Hey, thanks for the trade offer! I could always use another sweets table! Do you still want to trade?
    Just do mine. Friend wants me to do something so I won't be by my DS. I'll leave it by the train station. Gates are open
    I keep getting error code 018-0511 'cannot connect to partner's device' when I try to come over. ;_; Have you had connection issues in the past?
    Edit: I'm going to open my gate if you want to try coming over.
    I've been pree' alright. Hardly played AC at all last year though. And decided to start a new town as a One year challenge on the 1st of Feb. So I currently have a nooby little empty town. :p No long term goals going on for me though. I just want to see how far I get in a year. We'll have to play together again sometime!
    Oh yea that would be nice. I'll get just have to get them cloned again. I'll let you know
    Ahhh I remember you ;A; you're actually the first person I ever traded with in the entire forums~ Hi!
    I've a town in February right now. Would you like to come looking for dung beetles?
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