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  • Hi, if I could just have the moving painting that would be great :) I don’t need hydrangeas anymore. How much tbt?
    Hello! Yes the date works! Thank you so much for swapping with me. I’ll send the letter over c:
    Yes please! The message is:
    ❀ I hope you can see how the simple little things are the most beautiful. ❀

    I’m not sure if there’s a character limit so lmk if that’s too long. Sending tbt now!♥️
    Hi there! Yes I am most definitely interested in the dreamy egg. I’m at work right now but I’ll be on my lunch break in a little while if you’re online. If not I’ll be off in about 4 hours! :)
    Hey Coach, I am definitely interested in your offer for sure (since it matches close with my normal trade-in rate), but sales have not been high enough for me to feel confident in investing in another Toy Hammer unfortunately (especially since 1 of the 3 has been sitting there for months now). :/ Once sales have picked up more again, I will be more inclined to invest in another Toy Hammer! :) Thank you so much for reaching out to me though for this opportunity and I wish you the absolute best! :D
    It's been a while since I have been on here! I just saw the sakura collectible gift. <3 Thank you so much for thinking about me! I hope all is well on your end!
    Hi Coach!! Thank you so much for donating ahh that's super sweet of you!! ; v; And yes please! If you could wait until most of these yellow collectibles are adopted that'll be great! <3 Or anytime is okay too! Whichever you prefer! <3
    sure, let's do it! would you like a message?

    for me, I'd like the message to be:
    ✿ The seasons have all changed, and so have we. ✿
    holy crap I completely missed this VM somehow? Like I just saw it and got so confused lol. Sorry Coach, didn't mean to ignore you ;( I suppose u already saw but I took another offer for the trade!
    Ah alright. I was actually planning to sell the invader for that price to you then buy their Pinky haha, I can possibly do 3k if thats better for you?

    Also thanks!!!

    edit: srry it’s sold D:
    Oh yeah mobile tbt sucks. Every time I try and scroll the screen it just backspaces me out ughhhh. O well.
    Maybe a bit later I’m only on my phone cause my laptop is at the other place I live and roblox mobile sucks it’s so difficult to move the bloody character
    I definitely know the feeling of questioning how many I will be able to get, all I know is that I am going for the more limited ones first and then resort to other options if need be. o/ I'm glad we got a few guaranteed as well by the contest! :) I have only solved half of them, but hopefully I will have 10 soon so I can buy a Dreamy or Nightmare Egg! ;) Whatever I get in the end, know that I will be selling them cheaper than anyone else because of my Master Rule policy! :) Thank you so much also for the feedback on the new shop cosmetics! :D I always try to find new ways to improve things with the limitations BB code has! ;)
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