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  • Hey Coach! I've been mulling it over for a few days and I decided I would like to buy your dark blue letter. Let me know if that's all gravy and I'll send ya the tbt :D
    depends how much c: Raven definitely not for sale but Patchwork does have a possibility. offer?
    Yea, I know what you mean.

    Hopefully your new thread goes better then this one.

    (Btw I'm secretly trying to save for the dark blue letter lol)
    I know.

    You should make a new one when its bumped down. Post saying something along the lines of "Due to the spam in this I will be making a new shop very soon. Sorry for the inconvience" or something like that.

    I reported Slammit. Hopefully the mods will come soon.
    Could we do 450 instead? I only ask because the animal egg is appraised at being worth either a rare or very rare, and since I could get a very rare for it, I consider it more valuable than just a rare. c:
    sorry, i didnt realize i had a response, so i bought a cherry from someone else! thanks anyway.
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