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  • I didn't get anything haha.
    Maybe Jack sends me a reward at the end of the day I don't know.
    Yeah! I did, I have two Maxwell ones jfc he's ugly xD
    You can get backgrounds too, friend gifted me one. You can see it on my profile :)
    I will. Don'tchu worry. Might take a couple days to appear though.
    Lol xD
    I'll come on and comfort you. I'll check how much I have in my bank and if I have enough I'll purchase it and we can play along and be chickens together xD
    You welcome :">... now I hope you will get some blues!! It was so laggy when it came time to refresh the shop page, hahaha
    Click on community, on the right it should have two search bars and there's one on the bottom :)
    Not returning any search results D: Try and add me, my name is rufferina although it might show up as rufliane x)

    TF2 is life, man. Even though I've played like 4 minutes of it xD
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