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  • I saw you were looking for a swamp potion!! Would you like to have mine? I have the full potion set but I don't think I plan on using it anymore since Halloween is over hahaha
    HII COACH!!!! DAWWW that's so sweet of you!! Thank you so much for holding it for me just in case! I actually already have a seller I'm buying it from and they are just waiting for me to make the last 300 tbt hahaha!

    Thank you so much though :blush:
    Hey sorry for the wait, just got home from work. Did I send the right one this time? :'>
    Oh woops I'm sorry! That's what I get for using my phone instead of my laptop lol. I'll send it when I get to it!
    Nope, sorry. Only had a Goomba from 2017, and sold it a few months back. Best wishes tracking one down though. :)
    Thank you so much!!! I am very much looking forward to playing with the community, and it would be so cool to play with you sometime!! :)
    Do you want to add eachother on the Switch?
    unfortunately my time's run out and I have to work. Thanks though
    Haha yes, the hype for New Horizons has brought me back!! I have still been active online even though I've been more busy, but I've used Instagram. Instagram doesn't have the same Animal Crossing community compared to here though, and I missed being active here so much! I am extremely excited for the game, a little nervous because I won't have as much time compared to the past to play it, but super excited for all of the new features and to make my island look beautiful. :)
    Hey Coach!! It has been so long since we have talked, I have been away from the site for so long. I hope you have been doing well!! :)
    Yeah, no problem. I'm currently feeling a little under the weather today, anyways. Not sure if I'd have the focus to play matches today.
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