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  • you're very welcome! i have her in both my cycling town and my second town lol so she's ready whenever you are
    hiya c: i have celia and would be more than happy to give her to you when she moves, if you're still looking!
    EverydayFeminism can be pretty hit or miss, there are some things I would simply never consult them for, but other things which they pretty consistently get right 100% of the time. Battling cultural appropriation is one of those things. Also two of my favorite vloggers (Franchesca Ramsey and Kat Blaque) sometimes contribute! Guerrilla Feminism is also another good place to follow if you're into FB. I'm glad you liked that article. The author speaks pretty plainly and doesn't beat around the bush
    lol aww thank you! No, that's not weird at all I think. You can tell a lot about people based on how they present themselves on anonymous forums.
    yup! can we trade in your town? I'll be using this FC: 2681-2614-1532
    Send me those lights when you can, I may not be able to get on for a few hours but I will send them back when I return home
    Hey! sounds great, but which mushroom do you mean by common? there's skinny, round, famous, elegant and rare :)

    would 10 tbt be fine for the bamboo grass?
    ok adding you now! yup that's my fc, lemme just finish this trade then I'll be ready c: can we trade in your town?
    hey there! just saw your comment, getting all your stuff ready now c:
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