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  • Sorry, I have to go.
    GG BTW

    (Sorry if I spammed it's just that I'm fairly new to the game and I have not yet come up with any good combos or anything)
    I'm tring to get good with Ness. I'm very ew to him so i'll probably be very n00bish (more than before xD )
    I'll definitely try to, then! I've been wanting to seem them for a while but I never really got the chance to. But yeah, thanks for sharing your experiences! Makes me want to go even more.
    Solomon is true perfection. It's actually my favorite. :) And aw, I figured they'd be! They seem so down to earth. I really, really wanna see them live!
    Jealous because you got to breathe the same air as them. You're right, they really do deserve to be bigger. Are they nice? They seem really nice. And oh, what's your favorite song by them?
    Geeksboros pretty solid. Joe's kinda eh but he's also very cool sometimes. O you did? don't worry you can talk to me whenever if you see me I love talking to new players :] you should definitely reach out to well-known players so we can get involved. I hope to see you at stuff, and if you wanna talk, just msg me. I rarely get on here tho, just signed up cause my friend goes here some. I live in Gboro and me & Mike practice some. Might be moving to Raleigh in march but if you're ever in town you should hit me up so we can play.

    ya i did, the one mike ran? it was my first tourney back to melee so it was rough as fukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. but we on the grind now
    o thats cool. you should join groups so you can know when tournies are, and you can ask questions to improve. Me & Mike play a lot but I'm sad he lost to th0rn and didn't make bracket zzzz.

    Ocean & Lucas got 25th tho so NC was reppin kinda
    and nah I meant your smash tag. I've never seen you & I'm pretty involved in NC Melee & have been since 07 except for devoting most time to NC PM in 2014 cause I made bracket at APEX.
    you should join NC Melee FB Group. A lot of good tournaments & you have players in your area like Ocean (ICs main) who is legit. My FB is Smith Shanazari if you wanna add me so I can add u to the group
    in that case i'll probably get smash when I get the wii u, which will probably be around the time they release animal crossing for wii u. i feel like by the time i finally get smash no one will be playing it haha, that's how it usually goes. yeah they are kinda lame huh lol, the only one i was excited for was villager.. other than that kirby is pretty much my go to so i think i'll be solid.
    That **** was savage, so many perfect knees haha.
    Also thx m8, pally and I have matching ones right now and she is Brock lol
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