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  • This reminded me of you, since you love the Avett Brothers. Do you like Elliott Smith? I can't wait for this, it's going to be so FKING good. Link
    Nice! I haven't seen anyone that many times. Now that is dedication! I hope they send you royalties.
    I would have to say that Built to Spill is my favorite band...I have seen them so many times and it's always incredible. Funny enough, when I first discovered them in like 2005, they reminded me of Modest Mouse. ;)
    Nice! I stole a MM concert poster off a venue wall once, but that's not as cool as an album poster. I am so excited for "Strangers to Ourselves" to come out. Only like 2 more months!
    You got Smash Wii U breh?
    I think I saw you post that you did but I might jav been high or that might jav been someone else I don't know but let me know m8 so we can possibly throwdown
    Oh god, yeah best you play it on the GC controller because the default gamepad's controls bad in comparison to the 3ds'
    I had Melee and brawl but I never really played it competitively, since there was only my brother to play it with.

    I used to main as Lucas in brawl but.. considering he's gone and all, I switched to Ness. I also used to Main with Zelda in brawl as well, but now that Sheik is her own character I've just gravitated towards her, as I like fast characters.

    But yeah, I'm always up for a match!
    I was like wtf lol
    My 2 mains are Ness and Sheik so i know exactly what you mean lol
    I seriously wasn't expecting you to play as Sheik. Most people here play as either Jigglypuff or Yoshi.

    but ye gg
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