After all the clovers and wilted flowers I plucked, I think I may need less than 500. I will post by tonight if I get the gold medal or not, I am sure I LOL did some within 3 years -.-
Did you receive my mail as well? I am so so sorry! I hope I can be of help in any other way. Let me know if you are on today, if not tomorrow before 6pm is great or after 9pm
Hey Corlee, I am so sorry D: I went out for coffee and it took so long. I am so so sorry. I can do tomorrow or tonight if you are back on. Is there any way I can repay you for all this waiting time?
So sorry corlee, I feel terrible for keeping you waiting, something I tired to prevent. I logged on like 30-40 minutes later and saw no gates were open, of course my fault I got on late. I was taking a nap Q.Q, let me know. I can do same time tomorrow or the next day~