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  • I believe you did not add me~ You are not online in the game or gates are open~ :D
    Yup, it’s just my aunts house :) But if everyone ends up being on their phone and the connection is bad, I’ll let you know and we can reschedule later tonight!
    Hey corlee :) I’m doing a couple trades and then I’m going to get ready to leave, but when I get there I’ll be able to come!
    Sure thing! I’m going somewhere at 6:00 so I’ll have to leave before then, but I’m bringing my DS so I should be able to come over then :)
    If you’re ready now then I’ll come now, if not then I’ll come at 3PM, it’s all fine by me :)
    Oh! I’m so sorry I completely forgot, I was so tired after it I didn’t notice. I’m sending the tbt right now!
    So since you’re not available from 12:00-2:00pm, are you available 3:00pm and after? I might sleep late today so I *may* not wake up at 11:00am, but if your available at 3:00pm or after then we can schedule then :)
    So sorry I’m online now! If you still want me to come then I’ll come right now, unless you want to reschedule for tomorrow
    Also, do you want me to send the extra 25 tbt today since it’s the first day, or the last day? I’m fine with either :)
    Sorry about that, I knew I was forgetting something.
    Added you and the gates to fairlin are open
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