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  • Hello!! It is currently 3:03 pm my time! I want to make sure that we can visit at a good time for you as well, any time between now to 6 or 7 pm would be fantastic! Thank you so much in advance
    I can see you know about my fruit town plaza thing. I'll be available today at 2 or 3 pm, to pick up my coffin.
    I thought I'd update you. I switched 3ds, it was a nightmare to do the system transfer and found out I couldn't do it. But my animal crossing should be fine :)

    My new FC is:2552 6838 5358

    I most likely will be asleep, but hopefully I'll still be on, or we can do the trade tomorrow.
    Aw thanks :blush: Would that be ok? the more sloppy set the better. I think tomorrow my orange trees would have grown, if so I can provide you with a ton.
    Heya, kinda awkward but I'm transferring my 3DS data across to a new one, so I don't long how the process will take. Hopefully I can pick up the order tomorrow, sorry for the inconvenience. I'll send you the new FC (If that is how it works on a different 3ds)
    Okay your cherries are ready, and when you get back online pm me when your ready or available. I be off when you get back online, I don't know yet. Sorry I replied late because I was eating.
    Today reply to me when its 8pm at your time zone, if your available, because i'll be online at 7. I'm only 1 hour behind then you.
    Sorry I wasn't online when you replied, I was watching a movie. Around when you replied is when I'm busy, just realize now. At noon is when i'll be online the most of the time. So its better to reply at noon.
    Sorry that I wasn't online like at all today, because my wifi was super slow, but now its faster.
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