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  • hey, I will be away for a couple days but will vm you when I get back online later in the week. I still plan to visit your rv :)
    aaah sorry I'm just now reading your vm. I have plenty of meow coupons, but could also give you some in game bells for letting me visit your town! I do have tbt, but am saving that for something else. I will be online a little bit today but then am going away for a few days. I'm still very interested!
    hey :) if you still have the Lottie bun and celeste bow for sale I'd love to buy them and can do the exchange tonight! how much?
    Coming now, I'll have to go to the ATM to get the 5 mill per mill so I'll drop the money off infront of the train station.
    Correct, I have 3 left still! Let me know when you're able to receive them and i'll come over :)
    135 perfect oranges planted into 135 more trees, each bearing 3 more fruits, and the original 135 trees spawn 3 more fruits= 910 fruits! Yup...I think I'm good.
    Sorry! I already got the items from someone else, and I've been busy today. Furthermore, I didn't know when you'd be online based on your absence yesterday. Have a good day!
    Hey, so my internet is being weird right now, it shows that you commented but I can't see the actual comment. I had to restart my game so my gate is open again if you still want to come over. :)
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