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  • Hello to a fellow totoro lover!!

    here is some fairy dust for you

    corlee, absolutely love your lineup!! it’s so cute! 😍
    also wanted to wish you luck on your eggie hunts! i still remember how long it took to find a seller for the aurora egg, so i hope you won’t have to wait that long for these ones! crossing my fingers for you 🤞
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    Reactions: corlee1289
    Thank you so much! The Aurora egg took forever, but I’m glad I finally have one to display proudly in my lineup <3

    I’m glad you finally found your Kirby egg! I remember you were also looking for one for a really long time also! It looks fantastic in your lineup!
    thank you so much!! it always feels so rewarding to find something you’ve been looking for forever, but it’s worth the wait! here’s to hoping we find all our dream collectibles someday 😊
    Good luck on your Disco eggie hunts! I know the regular Disco will be rough, the last 2 sold sold for 16k each 😱 I'll be sure to ping you if I see anyone selling a pastel disco at least, since that will be more likely!
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    OMG! Disco egg for 16K?! Based on mogay’s collectible list, I naively thought it would be at 5K or something along the lines.

    Thank you for looking into this for me! I should be able to afford the Pastel Disco egg (or at least I think I can ^^; )
    I think the Pastel disco is still a very safe buy! It seems stable at the 2.5-3.5k range! 😀
    LOL I'm re-reading this comment and in the end:
    - Pastel Disco egg for 3K
    - Disco egg was for 15K

    But at least the egg hunt is now finished for me :3
    i love your sig and pfp! 💙 your sig makes the doctor who theme song play in my head haha
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    Reactions: corlee1289

    It was because we're in the blue team together! I was initially thinking of doing Ami, but you beat me to it, so I thought: What else is blue? DOCTOR WHOOO
    Congratulations on finally getting your aurora eggie!!! I was thinking about you yesterday and was hoping you would get it!! 😃🤩🥰
    Yeah, I'm slowly working on getting all of them. Or at least as many as possible.
    I know there is someone who won the Aurora egg and is planning on selling it for 5K TBT. That is how much I bought the one I currently have from another user who also won the egg.

    I wish you happy hunting!
    Thanks for letting me know! I'm definitely hoping to get one!
    Please make sure you message me to arrange drop off of your item from the giveaway, thanks. The deadline is sunday 8pm est.
    Hi would you like it to be your town or mine? And i'll give you a 2 nook tickets and the materials
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