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  • Thank you!! These damn sakuras are like the first time I've actually cared at all about it god damn them
    Well I'm crossing my fingers for you! :)

    Thank you, will do! If I find another 4 I'll be really happy, then I can use my egg entry prize to get the Pastel Disco Egg :)
    That would be amazing if you could get those three! Also, I wouldn't be surprised if you'd be nominated, so then you'd even be able to get the Pastel Disco Egg with the 7 Eggs from the contest :)

    I'm taking a little searching break now as I'm really tired after today (first day out since a week.. I'm on antibiotics since yesterday since I wasn't getting better.. so it took plenty of my energy!), I'll see what else I can find tomorrow! :)
    Thank you!! Honestly can't believe I found 10 eggs, I had 4 until an hour or two ago. I came home from celebrating Easter at my family in law and solved 6 in 30 minutes. I need to celebrate Easter more often ;)

    Which other egg(s) are you going for?
    It's pretty awful indeed, it's been getting gradually worse for 2 days now so hopefully tomorrow will be the first day of feeling better! Thanks for asking, you're sweet :)
    It's a throat infection, I haven't had this since ages! I had it so often as a child, but I thought I grew immune to it or something. Now I have proof that I'm not ;)
    Aw, thank you! <3

    I have upped the pain medication today to something that also relieves the inflammation. It hasn't gotten any worse, so that's already good, and let's hope tomorrow is a better day..
    I am, depending on how many are stocked I'm thinking of going for somewhere around 5. I have 2 friends in mind I want to gift sakuras to, who are both currently inactive. If I can get 3 to sell for 250 each, I would make enough TBT for the gifts to be paid for. If the restock is smaller, though, probably just the 2 and I'll aim for a few extras down the line.
    Sometimes I forget that 5 collectible lines used to be the maximum! Are you going for any sakuras in the upcoming restock?
    Haha thanks! :cool: I saw Lambda's post about potentially asking to restock the Purple and Small mailboxes which reminded me that those are the two I actually had - so I displayed them both and it worked out well! I must say your balloon combo is looking good as well - glad I could help you out with the timestamps. :)
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