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  • i know ive asked before but are you still doing town tunes? lol. got bored of the current town tunes i have so i want a new one.
    Oh my gosh, really! That's amazing, what great luck! I wish that happened to me with like a Digby card since he's my favourite one from the series 1 set of amiibo cards. But still nothing yet! Walker is really cute, probably one of the best dog villagers. I had him in my Wild World town quite a while back.

    Lol yeah it really all does add up! So it's useful trading amiibo cards with other people. It feels like Nintendo have purposely made it so it's harder to get certain cards. :(
    Aww it's so adorable! I haven't got the Walker amiibo card yet, but he's so cute! I always end up getting loads of duplicates when I buy packs of cards and it's usually of characters that no one really likes or cares about. My friend managed to send me her Isabelle and Fauna cards though and they're probably my favourite, but honestly it's so hard to just collect them all. I've spent a fortune on them all so far. :(

    Yeah they are! I saw the giant Yarn Yoshi plush in a game shop recently and it was so adorable! I was so tempted to buy it.
    Aah thank you too! Btw I love your avatar, is that your own Yarn Yoshi? I have a pink one but I really want to collect the other colours. It's literally the cutest amiibo to ever exist. ;v;
    Hey there! Just wanted to say, I saw your post in the favourite TBT users thread and I just wanted to say thank you so much, your post really made my day. You're a really lovely person yourself too, I hope you have a nice day! :)
    Oh, wow. didn't mean for it to sound rush like. I just wanted to know if you started it were done. So very sorry! X(
    Its fine! I have never had a town tune made for me so may I ask how to pick it up? (thanks again so much! ^~^)
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