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  • Hehe Bixlow is quite...oddly interesting but Fried and Laxus ermahgerdddd. When he helped FT on the island, I immediately liked him. Ever since his plan to fry magnolia or smth, I thought he was just a jerk.
    ugh plz no. I went to fanfics to cure and I saw someone write something about that chapter. i was happy when they turned it into a NaLu one <333

    haha yeah xD Makarov sure knows how to pick them.
    yeah ahaha.

    Erza is lucky jfc. Jelly-man ~~~ <3 i really don't know who's my favorite male in FT though xD
    aw :(( for me it's usually they update so sloooooooooow and i get frustrated I end up forgetting about the manga.

    agreed. digging that tattoo.
    yeah! incomplete kinda sucks because of the tension grrrrr

    I see xD that's true. I mean, look at Kei from Special A. His manga ver. is better imo, kinda disappointed in the anime ver.
    shoujo/harem girls are lucky uwu

    ahaha xD which one? is it the pale blue hair guy?
    mhm, school-themed is the bait of dramas.
    ah, I've heard a lot about it and seen my brother watch it, it seems cool although I don't feel like watching it.
    haha xD anime schools are the best omg, hot ppl in there all the time. i mean, it's fun.

    ooh o: yeah it's kinda slow but i continued watching it out of boredom.
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