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  • Thanks! I'm really addicted to reading this Manga like, wow. This broadened my perspective on Japanese entertainment, it even encouraged me to be interested into some other forms of Japanese entertainment lol. :blush:

    Btw, got any other recommendations on some good Manga? I like reading anything really, though I prefer it to be aimed at both genders or specifically the male gender. Maybe with a touch of comedy :3
    Yeah. Hiro is like, just bullying each character :c
    Mhm, Cana seems like the likely one since she's kinda stronger than the other participants? I had a tiny feeling that Juvia could be to since she was a former S-Class.
    Yeah c: He's getting more Mature //goconfess2lucy

    Indeed. Lucy was taught by her servants or smth and she learned from that. Erza is just like, sudden boost of power to make her the strongest. Hence, why people like her more :/

    Hahaa no worries xD

    Pfft I'd defriend them the moment that diss my favorite stuff.
    Yep yep, the only fanservice I'll love unless it's my other OTP's.

    Yeah o_O I mean, imagine Happy in that form *shudders*
    Oh yeah, the one with Mimi and Iney (Iny?)

    Played that at about 4am in the morning, that was fun.
    Yeah! The missions were the best D: I always laughed at them and I really wanted to just jump in there and join them.
    But now I just puff through my nose and move on. Indeed :/ I was expecting him or Cana to become S-Class (maybe Cana more since Natsu is still a bit early imo, probably near the end).
    uhuuu :c

    Yeah D:< People do! like wtf is wrong with you people. They say she serves no purpose and is only there for fanservice.
    Well excuse me!? do you know how many times she saved lives and served purpose!? and she's not the only one for fanservice gosh, look at the other FT females.

    Indeed <3 NaLu fanservice = accepted.
    Waah, well that sucks lol. Ooh the E.N.D book o: Ahhh I don't know much about FT anymore @_@
    //sniffles :c Ultear ~~

    I love PantherLily although I can't tell if he's like some exceed bear?
    In comparison, I don't think hysterical laughter or screaming compares to exorcising a murderous spirit.

    Tom is Tom and Kayla is iLoveYou.

    Wait who's Frank

    I'm not sure how that would be accomplished by using a Winston Payne avatar
    Fairy Tail is just getting worse v~v if they can somehow revive it back to it's usual happiness and missions, I might go back. I miss those earlier episodes tbh D:
    Ikr! gosh Lisanna, what's wrong with you.

    LUCY IS CUTER mah god. How does people even hate Lucy D:< she's way more badass and her move Urano Metria or smth is just pure awesomeness.

    Ahhaa xD I don't like Erza for her fanservice suits so yeah.
    Yep yep. Speaking of Zeref, did they ever mention him again besides the time he talked to Mavis? o_O I feel like after the island they just ignored the fact he was there.
    Ultear was such a good woman TToTT //cries at her "death"?

    pfft. Edolas arc was okay (maybe if Lisanna wasn't there*cough). I mostly enjoyed it for the NaLu aaaannd the fact Gajeel finally got a cat LOL.
    Same! It has to be logical or something, like it could relate to an event in nirvana or something?? (although I'm not sure if there is).
    But he just got a hole in his body like Gray until Ultear rewinded time. DDDD:
    ugggh ikr, this manga lost hope a looong time ago v~v
    //cries, I was at my friend's house so I'm sorry for this late reply OTL. Hehe c: I love rants because they make me fired up or laugh.

    ikr, that wedding scene just screamed "NALU WINS" until that chapter it's just like "...." god I wonder if there are other fans just raging like us.
    It sucked so much >:c I swear it pissed me off more than other stuff that made me pissed??
    pfft I'd snap at everyone who tells me to calm down d:
    I'd run away in fear but she's just like "oh another fairy tail better stay here like it's nothing".

    They probably like her because she's "cute" or smth. but Lucy's cuter :c

    Jellal is hawt, lucky Erza. The two perfect pair that won't be separated <3 Zero should just, disappear that fugly old man.
    I would've loved to meet yew earlier, just look how good of a friend you are <3
    I want to help more people, but I tend to get busy. I dunno if I'll ever be able to ever again :c
    Nuu you weren't being a pain, I love having people on my chat. Especially you, such an amazing person to meet.
    IF you ever see someone in need, can you tell them to send me a message? That'd be helpful for me <3
    Dolly's breakdown kinda caught me off guard, especially that scream, eugh

    Tom thinks I ought to go with Franny, but Kayla thinks I should stick with Godot. (...Mostly just because she likes the way he looks, tsk)

    Maybe I should just go with Winston Payne.
    I'm not sure how I should respond to that. Maybe that's why I stick with female avatars.

    True, but I don't think I've had one of those incidents in awhile. (Also Iris is the better one)
    I did have Spike Spiegel and Lon'qu at one point.

    But I guess it does kinda lean more towards female :I

    I could go for somethin' cute and cuddly, see how that works out.

    Go for Godot kinda sounds like a presidential campaign slogan (Also if you're gonna drool over Godot, make sure not to get any on me)
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