Fairy Tail is just getting worse v~v if they can somehow revive it back to it's usual happiness and missions, I might go back. I miss those earlier episodes tbh D:
Ikr! gosh Lisanna, what's wrong with you.
LUCY IS CUTER mah god. How does people even hate Lucy D:< she's way more badass and her move Urano Metria or smth is just pure awesomeness.
Ahhaa xD I don't like Erza for her fanservice suits so yeah.
Yep yep. Speaking of Zeref, did they ever mention him again besides the time he talked to Mavis?
I feel like after the island they just ignored the fact he was there.
Ultear was such a good woman TToTT //cries at her "death"?
pfft. Edolas arc was okay (maybe if Lisanna wasn't there*cough). I mostly enjoyed it for the NaLu aaaannd the fact Gajeel finally got a cat LOL.