Don't apologize. I only posted an order there so I don't forget that I'm looking for those specific items; I've have the tendency to forget why I have some items on my wishlist or why I want something for a character's house lol. I'm sorry if I put any kind of pressure of you or it seemed like I'm in a hurry; I honestly am not and did not mean to. ^^ I wanted you to take your time seeing how much business you're getting at your shop and I did notice that you had a cycling thread the other day too; so, it's understandable (plus, you have a life outside of the game

as we all do hehe).
When you do look at the order, I didn't include the firefly lamp and the wand on the order, but if it'd make it easier for you, I can edit my post and add anything else I'd want to trade to it [though it'd be going over 10 items]. I don't have that much unorderable things for you this time, so I'd be happy to compensate with igb/tbt or hybrids.