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  • o-o what do you think of the username dandere? I was scrolling through tumblr and found a list of personality types in anime, that's me :blush: lolll >u<
    I'll have a look around o-o' Funn XDD .-.
    Yes, it is hard -n-' I know T.T
    Thank you ^^ You were thoughh -n- Thankss :)
    Long messages just means that I mean a lot to you, you have a lot to say to me. It's always a good thing, especially since I appreciate it <3
    I'm glad I cleared your mind from something XD
    I just have bad experiences with black friday. Some stuff are legit, like bluray movies and games. But when it comes to electronics, expect to get cheap stuff. Seriously, my brother bought a TV for $100, and it has light problems inside within a month. I bought a USB flash drive, it transfers files super slow and also reads them slow. I just ignore everything now. The only BEST stuff, are the things you can get when the store first opens. Which is always dangerous and can end your life o:

    Stay away from Chromebooks, they're aweful to type on. I suggest a laptop from now adays, which are impressive. They include good stuff in them :3
    Oh you were on my chat o:
    OH YEAH, you're that fun person I enjoyed talking to, but yew left quickly =(
    Yep I did not like my Chromebook. I wasn't happy with it, so Im gonna get a refund. it was my dream computer before :3
    I didn't buy anything on black friday, they only sell cheap stuff at discount prices. Things that dont last.
    I missed yew <3
    We only spoke for one day, yet you know me so well
    Haha ok. :3 There's tons of stuffs in my new town anyway hahaha. I'll clear them up after I make all my villagers move in.

    Thank you!!
    How'd you know I was getting a new laptop o:
    I must've been excited about it XDD
    Yep I got it, so happy. But now I'm returning it, I don't like it :3
    Happy late Thanksgiving to you too <33
    I was out all day that day. Dinner + black friday
    Ahh I don't know -n- doremi sounds a bit... .-. I know it would've been :[ Back to trying to find usernames, fun lol.. Aww it's fine xx My Shampoodles will be up again tomorrow xDD Okay, thanks xx ^.^
    I knoww. -.-' A friend suggested one to me just before, doremi (fauna in japanese). Okay. Um, I can't really be there then haha. Time zones :p It's 9:31pm atm and I may decide to sleep soon seeing as i'm really really tired -n- but okay, thanks though xx :3
    Also I need your helpp -n- I've messed up my NL-characters hair haha. Could I perhaps use the shampoodle in your town ? -n-'
    Miu is free o-o I forgot that other one I told you... what was it again ? .-. Sometimes i'm a right silly-person, I delete important messages in my inbox by accident -n-'
    Should I go for Miu? o-o
    Woohooooo the cafe set is ready, sitting on my town's ground. ^^ Finally almost finish transfering stuffs. so much rubbish on my new town's floor now :(
    Haha c: Just got myself a coffee coming home from college haha. Costa!!! ^^
    o-o Aww XD I can't believe how late you stay up, it's crazy ! I'd be asleep at the keyboard by then haha x
    Somehow XDD
    Restarting is a terrible thing when you have so much things to transfer over T^T It's really too much. Yea I'm using my boyfriend's. He is not here yet and I'm throwing out stuffs in my town hahaha. Full of rubbish. I'll pass them over when you are on tomorrow. ^^ I need to catalog them first haha.
    Yea :c

    Argh.. I've tons of junk to bring over to my new town T^T Are you still looking for dessert stuffs? I have the cafe set and some wedding cakes to throw away
    Yess.. I caught up with One Piece.. I felt so sad D': I'll be so dam bored now. That's why I plan to rewatch some of them will be where Sanji appear xD
    Ohhh I see! hahaha! Hmm maybe I might not like turkey then. I'm a big fan of chicken hahaha. Lol omg, I always tell my boyfriend I'm not gonna die because I need to watch One Piece LOL!! I watched the latest episode.. now I have to wait every week T^T Time to rewatch LOL
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