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  • just tell me when to bump and ill bump it can i go to your town im bored and ill bring perfect cheerys adding you just in case you say yes
    of course <3 ^^

    you can pick your classes, try to finish as early as you can!
    thank you love! good luck with calculus!! ^^

    yeah perks of being in college! i only have class tues-thurs, but my classes are 5 hours each /:
    your lucky that you have thanksgiving break! the thing with my school is that we don't get holiday breaks, i don't even have a summer vacation! however, i can get my BSN in nursing in 3 years while others are in nursing school for 5+ years!
    omg calculus! i don't like math lmao xD
    but that's good!

    my day was fine, i don't have class on mondays! ^^
    so i'm kinda chillin' but i still have to study for my physiology test tomorrow at 7am!
    i've been good :)

    it's fine i've been busy with school ^^
    you don't have school today?
    If you can't get your wall clock, then I'll give you my raccoon wall clock for free! Just PM me whenever. :)
    HOLY MACARONI LOL! That's the most I've seen Diana go up for. Daaaang! Just wanted to tell you that :p congrats!
    Gosh sorry, I also just realised there were a few things I forgot to give you ahah. Open your gates and I'll drop them off ^_^
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