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  • Hey I ended up being done at 4am last night so that's why I never came back smh I'm available currently though
    Heh, it went pretty fine actually! The dentist said that I'm a good girl for not crying ;) And I can't drink soda until 24 hours have passed. But about the items, I can't pick them up today because my 3ds internet is out. Will my items be back in the shop again by tomorrow? If not, can I get the items tomorrow? I'll be around from 11:00am-3:30 CT. :) Sorry for the wait.
    ah- actually im waiting to do a trade with someone atm and i have to run a few errands afterwards. is it okay if i get back to you later? sorry about that
    hi, sorry about the late response. i'd like to buy the pink roses of you still have them c:
    I'm adding you now too and I'm about to open my gate =)! Thanks once again ^^.
    Hey, sorry for the late reply! Just got back from the dentist. Sigh...looks like I can't drink any sodas xD I'm coming home in a bit, once I get back and load up my game I'll let you know! :D
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