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  • Cou! What a pleasant surprise! I missed you so much! I've been wonderful as always, thank you. How about yourself?
    I didn't notice your message... Yeah I enjoyed our multi the other day! I used to have skype, but I don't use it anymore so I kinda forgot my skype name and password.. I tried to recover it though but I used my old email for it and I forgot the password/secret answer to that too... Oh the things that happen when you replace your childish e-mail with a more decent one XD
    I sadly dont, I dont have a unfortunately no, we'll have to deal with the normal chat...

    But it WAS fun though, right?
    I guess I'll have to kik some ass to get to the people I need xD
    My kik is: Matt_Kimura (MattKimura is my old Kik)
    Another person to talk to on kik. It's feeling empty for me, I need to build it up more. I wish you can add people, rather than having to start a conversation with them to keep them on your list.

    Skype wasn't working for me on my tablet, but yesterday is just decided to work. I was able to chat, cam, and everything without a problem. It would freeze for me before, no idea why.
    Cou! You're alive ^_^
    I just thought you were super busy. I'd hate to live without internet, I know just how it's like. Some people just can't afford it. Ours is just $30 a month for 7 MBps connection.
    You're right about Katy, she doesn't respond to her kik. I hope she's alright o:
    I finally got a tablet last Christmas, so I can use kik too. I love it!

    We must talk more often, you're too awesome not to talk to :3
    Yep, already added you! I've never used online in this game, so I might not know what to do.
    Ahh, I understand. It would be interesting if Game Freak would remake the remakes (like R-Cookies posted as well), but at the same time... really weird. I loved Johto in both G2 and G4, but I'm not sure if I'd enjoy another remake.
    haru's character development for me was kinda weird. i know he's like the main character and all but he was hella awkward imo LOL. momo was the bomb diggity. he was so weird, i loved it.
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