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  • Hello! Will you be opening your minishop again? If not, are there any other users you recommend? Thanks, and hope you are well!
    really good! been pretty lazy in all, but ive found some good songs (my likes on soundcloud) so i just jam out to those like all day
    yea they always slip out of my cart so like ??

    i was just gonna buy one when the prices fall soon
    well i got all 3 in the first restock but i traded them for a chocolate cake which was a win
    then i got 2 more in a second restock and my best friend just gifted me the last one i need, so I am all good <3
    o ur online :D

    btw this is jacob i changed my username hehe

    Happy halloween imu <3
    I was happy and still would be happy to hold on to them longer for you; I haven't been playing much (and might not play for awhile longer once I get Happy Home Designer :p). :] You can have them all for free once you're back to playing. ^_^ It never was a hassle and still isn't ;). You've been great to trade with and talk to, so, I don't mind at all. ^_^ I'm glad you're doing good.
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