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  • Yeah I don't have the shiny anymore, but I do have a regular one if you're interested?
    He's not, but I could breed a shiny Riolu and nickname it for you? Wouldn't take me long.
    Hey, your Pokemon order is ready for pickup! It took me forever to get a shiny Giratina lol. Let me know when you're available to trade!
    Heads up that I'm not sure if I still have the shiny Jirachi though, if I don't I'll return some TBT.
    would you sell the two peaches for 1k each or is that too low?
    i think shes still got 3 slots left, i played some shell-hunting game and it took maybe 5 minutes to acrue a fresh 10k sB. eh i need the bells
    hey did you get the bells for that pet game? mine went through, i think bc i played some games today and earned at least another 10k sP. not sure it "counts" the 15k you get at sign up. (something is lacking from the instructions it seems...)
    ugh, today's interview wasnt that good either-.- the human resource person asked to go down to the shop to get interviewed by the store manger and instead og being interviewed, he briefed me on all the job scope and the working hours and such. like he didnt even ask me any interview questions. i have a feeling im gonna get rejected...
    maybe, or they're just despo for people for the job lol. and i have another job interview coming up and i hope the next interviewer wont tell me to SELL THIS FREAKING PEN COZ ILL FLIP THE TABLE! lol
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