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  • Just added your FC. :)
    Thanks so much for holding her I really appreciate it. :D:D:D
    Ahh no worries about falling asleep it's fine. :p
    I'm all ready right now btw. :)
    Ack I'm sorry I missed this VM. :(
    Anyways I hope I don't get in your way of working and stuff. D:
    Hi! Uhh sorry if it seems like I'm rushing you but are you available to trade or no? :eek:
    Just wondering. :)
    Sure! That'll be fine! :D

    I'll be able to be online all day tomorrow so feel free to just VM whenever you're ready. :)
    Hi sorry for making you wait so long holding Molly... I finally found a map and Imm wondering if you still have her? :eek:
    Hi! If you still have Molly I think you should just sell her to someone else bc Rover is being an ass and won't give me any good maps. D:
    Ah alright!

    Btw if I take too long just feel free to offer her to someone else. I had to reset my town so it could take a while to find a good one. :eek:
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