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  • Omg, more cards? ;-; You spoil me so much! Thank you so much girl! <3 <3
    Been looking, all Bree's on AUS eBay are from overseas and cost too much $$$
    Yea I am. Only card I'm after now from the other series is Bree. But I literally only realized like a few days who that S4 comes out soon LOL I legit forgot oops
    Ok new idea

    Shamrock, carnation, spellectibles, Christmas collectibles, eggs, blue flame, hhd. I kinda wish there were more events in the year I was here tho
    Slow claps. However I think a red carnation is still going to be released on Father's Day, but I'm going camping and that means no wifi. Riiiiip

    It's a long shot, but if I could get a Pokeball...
    The Candy egg is rainbow, but I might give it a chance, same with Party Popper, but damn those are hard to get. I probably shouldn't even think of the pinwheel &#55357;&#56446;
    La Dee da de dum la...

    I'm thinking of having an all red lineup, but I don't know if there are enough
    It's so good to hear from you! Is everything going well? I actually haven't played ACNL in forever but I was playing HHD a lot for awhile. I just got some time to come on here and missed you guys. It's kind of hard to go back to ACNL after HHD just hands you every single item in the game including Public Works and says HERE HAVE EVERY NEIGHBOUR TOO! I don't know if I'm the only one that feels that way though. What I did like about it was there were a lot of animals I didn't really love that I started to like a lot more doing their homes (and some I still can't stand to look at aka THE GORILLAS lol). How's life otherwise?
    Hii I've risen from the dead I have no idea if you remember me but just trying to say hi to some of my favourite people even though it's been 2 years and I probably look so creepy for remembering everyone lol hope all is well <3
    nice, ive never had chicken fried steak homemade, only at restaurants. i like chicken-fried chicken too

    i'm missing dumplins, proper biscuits, proper black-eyed peas w/snaps, proper fried chicken, and dem burgers...
    at least ive got proper collards and mustards...
    my Grandmother made the most awesome dumplins, may she rest in peace... i havent had proper chicken and dumplins since then.

    also, she made the best pan fried burgers, but i have no idea what made it taste unique (my sisters and I say it was ashes from the cigarettes she smoked while cooking...)
    Thank you so very much for playing a part in me obtaining the Pokeball collectible. I couldn't have done it without you!
    their starting out with all 3 lowly regular cosmos does kinda suggest there's a plan to sell all 40-some-odd ACNL flowers at some point, doesnt it?
    (i like the blue flowers best too; then the orange...)
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