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  • I saw you are looking for a Bluebear, I have one I will be selling once she pings me while I am cycling. I am looking for any TBT offers and I can hold her for you :) She is not original :(
    okie dokie, my FC is 3969-7612-4341 if you need it, message me back when you're ready!
    that would be perfect! but they'd have to come retrieve marshal first as i have 10 villagers currently including marshal
    okie dokie, atm im selling a villager to get the bells to pay for ahnka (im selling marshal) that should also allow me to have space for her if you'd give me a little?
    Love the budgies on the tree! They are like "We are right at home in our mom's Christmas tree."
    Very nice and tame birds!
    I think Tina is busy with university and studies so maybe that's why the snowflakes are delayed for the Gingerbread event ;P
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