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  • Sorry for the late reply ^ _ ^" We can swap pictures now! Your town or mines?
    Hi there! I saw on your thread that you're cycling slowly at the moment, so I thought I'd ping to ask if Ken is still available? My nine-year-old is enamored of the idea of a ninja chicken. :cool: Thanks a bunch!
    Hi, sorry I was out for dinner (it's 10pm where I live).
    Would you like me to come over to your town now?
    You weren't able to come? My gate is still open for a little while.
    Hi! I can be over right now to sell you Rod's pic.
    Is it ok if Rheana comes over so I can sell her her picture too?
    I'm getting an error message going to her town and she can't come either.
    6 towns? holy crap and I though 3 was going to be hard haha. Also I have these villagers in my cycle town rn if you want me to april fools for you
    [Penelope, Gruff, Kevin, Genji, Fuchsia, Celia, Filbert, Erik, Ankha]
    xswampx has [Naomi, Twiggy, Bunnie, Shep, Kabuki, Scoot, Deidre, Punchy, Marina, Erik]
    and lastly my main [Muffy, Marshal, Tom, Ruby, Clay, Fauna, Ankha, Cyrano, Leonardo]
    I'll just TT back to get more if you want any other pictures from this list ^-^

    Also here are the pictures I do have;
    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqzSa4S6YbpSdGQ2Qng3MUo0bFUxWHpGY2llSGxZN2c#gid=0 If you have any extras that can help me fill in the blanks I'd pay ^^
    np Im just pm-ing people for a contest, I'll be a sec to get the pictures together, ugh just woke up ;n; sorry for bein so dweeb-y lol
    I have those pics for you for sure ^-^ Kevin, Walker are in Seoul and the rest are in my main town c: So if you don't mind going to both towns the pictures you listed are all yours c:
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