Kids haven't changed. They've always been rowdy and "undisciplined." Every single generation has complained about the one after them. We just grew up in different times with different ideals. The kids are alright.
Oh rip. I've had a bunch of digital imaging classes (in Animation rn), so having Photoshop really helps. I'll ask for a full version of Photoshop come Christmas, though.
I probably shouldn't have taken AP everything this year tbh xD
kek, good one. I don't know this website for **** (you think I would, considering I'm friends with a mod, but EEY).
Yeah, I only have Photoshop Elements on my computer though, so I can't do anything too fancy, but it's fun c: I'm thinking of majoring in Digital Image design, actually.
They never married for love. My mom married to get away from her dad's house, my dad married to appease his parents. The thing that finally pushed my mom was my dad losing the house and hiding it from her.