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  • Okay I'll be honest, after I complete the main story and defeat the superbosses... I use hacks so I can use the most aesthetically pleasing endgame armor and weapons with the gems I want to use 😛 I know I'm horrible. To each their own though. And it's post game NG+ so it doesn't really matter to me much. And I never use level or stat hacks so... And I make my own gems. Just gem replacement and shop hacks.

    Seven gets Speed V with gems of my choosing plus slotted Sedna Drones and Meyneth Monado... Amazing
    Shulk gets Argos with gems of my choosing, I usually do Monado III
    Dundun gets Argos too, my gems of course, Wyvern Cutlass
    Melly gets Titan Armor, she pairs well with heavy armor anyway from her heavyweight expert skill, also that armor paired with the Empress Staff... Noice
    Sharla... She looks bad in everything 😛
    Reyn gets errr Rex Armor question mark?
    And idk for Riki either. I usually do M180? I think is what it's called? But his amazing sexy hair is covered with that lol
    Shulk in High Entia Armor = his best look. I mean she came out fine as in like... Well yeah she didn't get the guy and supposedly half her people died, though through a few quests involving Tilan... I think his name was? It may be suggested that he found a cure for de-telthiafying the other high Entia. But in the end she came out thankful for life and glad that she had good friends and people that supported her. Also Melly in Titan Armor 👍🏼🙏🏼🙌🏼
    Lol she made it out alright in the end. But I think you meant to say Dunban in sleek isn't the worst? Yeah? lol jk... Okay he look damn foine in High Entia armor with sleek oil and I don't even swing that way >_>
    I kinda like Seven's design, it's kinda like as they progressed with making the faces they got less and less mechanical. Melly is cool, I'm not that great at playing as her but I can manage. And her story is a sad one...
    I just don't find much use in Sharla late game wise. Her healing arts become obsolete. I main Seven with speed set too (which *cough* looks rather noice) and with skill linking from Dundun and her own skills plus Double Attack gems she can basically heal herself. Link the same skills for all 3 actually so they all just actually kinda heal themselves. And you don't really need to worry about having a dedicated healer if you can take out the enemies fast enough. And ugh superbosses were so hard for me at first, but yeah they eventually became a cakewalk after awhile. There was a time when I was always over leveled, used the worst gems, and only used Shulk, Reyn, Sharla 😂 twas a time when I did not understand lol.
    I usually play as Seven, Shulk, and Dundun. I don't really dislike anyone. Though I don't find much use in Sharla 😛
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