I didn't logg off, I just was resetting for a map and since I hadn't refreshed the page it doesn't show me online since I was away for a while. You said you could hold and I told you I was going to restart. I'm not going to just go with any map. D: I'm restarting because I wanted a better map. It might take me a bit. I don't think this is fair. D:
Not at all, I understand! I was the same way with Chief, but if it makes you feel any better once I got him back I found him more similar the more I befriended him. And I was just really happy to have him back haha~ <3
Thanks, you too! Once Cube is gone and Merengue moves in I don't even know what I'll do, I'll be done! Probably start playing another game for a while, I've been hardcore AC'ing it for a while with all this cycling, haha~
Aw, I do but I haven't cycled the 16th villager out yet. I still have to move Cube out before I can take her. And I'm currently plot resetting Shep before I can do so~
But she's not moving from Dewdrops town for a few more days, so no worries! c: Take you for letting me know though!
That's sweet! And good I made my list of pwps and realized all my plans would be ruined if the buildings were included... Apple is cute but I preferred flurry and soleil! I thought about maybe getting flurry back, but the only one I'd switch her for is sprinkle.... But I can't cause she was last to move in.... And that would mean I have two normal rodents which I'm not ok with lol
I think I might give her another campfire and a hot spring to play on the fact that she's a penguin.... Surround her with white cosmos to look like snow and bam!
Bridges cafe police station and campsite all count toward your 30 allowed public works don't they
So I think I finally finished planning the pwps for each villager's yard except sprinkle.... I have no idea what to put around her house! Ideas? Only thing I thought of was an illuminated heart and maybe a campfire? But Tangy's already got a campfire and duplicating takes away from it being special
Well i thought you were going to be gone for quite a while since you said spring break/ summer if at all... i figured Id get another one by then. I had to get something for my bf for valentines day so i sold it to buy a download code, which proved useless because he hasnt even touched the game I got for him.
I'm really sorry I was sleeping because I had been up for 24 hours, but I will probably be up for the next 4 hours or so if you want to stop by and catalog the items, I will just have to get them ready