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  • Well, that’s a cool thing! I wish my brother was into anime and such.
    You know I can’t say anything to that! Go watch it now, both of you!

    I’m kind of amazed that no one has spoiled the finale and the ending of the third season to you? (Is this also a spoiler?:confused:)

    Who’s your favorite character? :D
    How have you not finished yet? xD The suspense was killing me! Until I finally caved in and started to read the manga and entered another kind of hell. orz
    Sword dance and roost gave me a lot of trouble. Scizor is really good though so that's why I use him often! I used to try out test teams as well on showdown although I haven't been on my account in nearly 2 years.

    And yes, I was on oras. I was worried because they said they wouldn't allow certain items. You're character doesn't look default. He has a black hat and a black shirt (kinda like what you drew in your thread.)
    Good game dude! I haven't had a good batte like that in a while. I thought for sure your scizor had me beat, but it looked like my rocky helmet came in handy xD
    My bowser and Diddy were pretty sloppy at first. I hate it when I get sloppy. xP I think Cloud might be my best. I'm probably going to main him and try to focus on improving with him. Ya that's Nintendo for ya, they are the worst at Wi-Fi. Hopefully the NX will be better connection wise. :/
    Good games. Your Marth and Lucina gave me a lot of trouble. I had a lot of trouble approaching them haha. Sorry about the lag, it was probably my connection. Could be because my brother is his on ps4 24/7 -_-
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