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  • Hmmm... I was just on one on one with someone and there wasn't any problems. Wanna try again?
    Oh yeah, you're in uni aren't you? How did your final exams go? Must've been relaxing since your semester ended today. You got plans for the Christmas break?

    Assassin's Creed III, wasn't too fond of the game back when I played it two years back but dang, playing it now makes it so much better than the other AC games for some reason. Ubisoft should've made more of Connor, he was interesting in his own ways. Have you played any of the AC games?

    Yeah you should get it, Syndicate looks pretty rad. They added a ton if new unique stuff to it too, definitely worth checking out.

    Woah I had no idea D3 was on 2.5 HD remix. I played the 3DS demo and loved it a lot. Too bad it's not available on the eShop. Hopefully they release another remix of the KH games on the PS4. I played both KH1 and 2 but quit both halfway. The additional Disney stories and quests to complete just seemed like a drag. I remember getting confused about the story, dumb me played KH2 first :/
    That's great to hear! Doing pretty well myself, about to hit the hay lol. Been playing Assassin's Creed all night. Got a lot of stuff to do tomorrow, haha, I'm gonna need the sleep.

    I see you like Kingdom Hearts, pumped for the new one coming out soon?
    Thanks! I'll go online now. I may train to improve some other characters too, but Cloud is going to be my main focus. I'll go online now. You can host the room.
    Hello. Would you like to play some Smash friendlies? I would really want some practice with using Cloud online.
    I mostly only feel nervous if I feel like I am going to lose a game or match. I used to listen to music when I play Mario Kart and I usually do better that way. In Smash though, there is a lot of good music as it is so I don't really need to use headphones. I always choose Rosalina's course as my omega course because fated battle sounds like an epic song for an epic match. I knew you would be hard to win against. Thanks. Good luck in the rest of the tournament for you as well. There are so many good players in this tourney.
    That was really close! Good games! I was feeling really nervous at the end of that last one. Even if one of us looked like we had a distant lead, one good combo ended up turning it around for the both of us.
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