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  • Lol yeah I rock the insect glaive but the bow was my first choice. I may be making the bow as my primary when I start on Xbox lol. And okay, I'll look out for that!
    Lol it's okay! I actually have it on both consoles (thanks to game share), but only played on PS4 so far. I've been thinking of starting on Xbox as well to play with friends. In the meantime, feel free to add me on both if you like! "HoneymoonRoyale"
    Hi! Um, I'm sorry if this seems nosey, but I saw your post that you were having trouble with Nergigante. What console are you on?
    Thanks! Sorry for responding late about that signature btw. :p
    I changed my signature for a while though I'm gonna change to that one again soon once the Fair ends.
    I succeeded to port one of my models to SFM today! God, it was such a hassle. But it just goes to show anyone (even someone as dumb as me) can do it! You should totally give it another go.
    Funnily enough, I experimented today with getting one of my models into SFM. Only managed to get the model itself in, though. No textures or armature (who knows what happened to them), unfortunately.

    Blender serves all the purposes I need for my own work, whether it be animations, renders, or even pixel art, but if I could distribute my models on platforms like SFM, I imagine it would give me some publicity if nothing else, which is always a good thing when you're trying to make a living out of it. The model in particular I was trying to port got a lot of praise on my blog as well, so that kinda motivated me further.

    Blender's interface is pretty underrated, though. Once you get the hang of it, it's very, very simple. The hard part is coming up with ideas!
    I sometimes make vintage-themed 3D models, and the fair this year had me in the mood for something Sonic Mania-themed. I completely understand why they wouldn't, though.
    Oh, awesome! Do you know if they reblog art at all? I could use the publicity from such a sweet-looking blog.
    For some reason TBT did not notify me of your visitor message!! I missed out seeing this beautiful gif until now OTL glad it made your day!!
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