When I clicked the link for the shirt your mayor is wearing it said link not found. Normally it wouldn't be a problem.. but it looks like a difficult shirt. Could you repost a picture of it?
It's just a hack and slash game LOOSELY based on the Warring States period in Japan. I got attached to two characters and they both died >:'C
If you do end up with it and like it...beat it etc...you can also try Dynasty Warriors (8 is the current one) or Warriors Orochi 3 (which kinda has an 'original' plot to it. Warriors in the game are from both Dynasty and Samurai Warriors c: )
Just chillin around! Might play the last mode of my one game so I can finally finish it fully (despite the vita trophies...f those LOL )
i fEEL SO AWKWARD omg i've wanted to say hi but it's like ur my best buddy's bro and it's like omg how do i not embarrass myself AND her xDD
how is that laptop hanging LOL? I told her to get a new one last night but D<