davidlblack Aug 4, 2015 Sorry bout that, porter said something like "a friend has their gates open, wanna visit them and i accidentaly hit ok so I just picked up Marshmallow while I was at the town
Sorry bout that, porter said something like "a friend has their gates open, wanna visit them and i accidentaly hit ok so I just picked up Marshmallow while I was at the town
davidlblack Aug 4, 2015 Oh.. I'm sorry. :-( I should have checked the thread, I guess. VM or PM me when you are back.
p e p p e r Aug 4, 2015 sorry I'm literally in the car... sorry but my family rushed me off. I'll message you when I'm back
p e p p e r Aug 4, 2015 I have to leave the house now... like in 1 min. if i don't see your gates, I'll message you later