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  • Hi love, is Cookie still available? I'd be willing to pay for her. I recently lost her but am able to have her in my second town.
    Okay for some reason the bell system must be messed up. It says code instead of amount when I try to send. But once it's fixed I'll send. D;
    My hubby was in a different time zone once and my day was always ahead of him. He had to call at my 5am ^^ I was knackered by the end of it lol
    Im connecting up now, see you in a minute :D

    Hey hun :)
    Its great to talk to people in different time zones :D Its strange how different they can be ^^ I'm all ready for bed (lol) and you're starting your day :D
    My FC is 2938-8544-0280

    Hi there, I'll add your friend code now. I am online now, will be for a little while.
    No need to apologise about not being online :)
    Im GMT and its currently 21:48 here ^_^ xx
    Hey, very interested in taking Agnes from you. She'll be very well loved in my village :D
    Hope to hear from you soon

    Ah yeah. I've never had that status. XD
    I'll count everything up and let you know. Be right back!
    No more Jacobs. I actually bought those from someone else. I don't even know how to get them. XD
    But I have a few pink cosmos. Maybe around 10.
    But I have more pink carnations than you could ever imagine. I counted all my pink and white canations and I have about 300 combined. I also have maybe 5-10 pink roses.
    5tbt each; and 6tbt for carnations. :3
    I notice you buy a lot of landscaping stuff. Let me know if you want to buy any hybrids or clovers. Cause I'm full of em. XD
    This is a weird question but what Harvest Moon games do you recommend? I've only played Harvest Moon DS and I loved it a lot. Now with all of these new HM games coming out, I am lost as to what's good and what's not. ;__;
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