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  • thank you s o much !! what is your price ? c: i just added you and im going to opens my gates
    Hey thanks you for letting me know about Jeremiah I picked him up a little while ago just have to wait for him to arrive now!
    Yeh I hope we can arrange a time okay :) when your free (once he's ready that is) pm me as I've got it set to email me when I get a PM so I should be able to get on fairly soon after that as long as I'm not sleeping or working..
    Oh I'm happy for you! It's okay, I'm sure I'll find another loving host for Eunice! Have a good day :)
    Hi! I am sorry but I didn't TT as much as I thought I would today, since I have been plot resetting for Paula. Hopefully tomorrow Eunice will ping! Sorry to keep you waiting!
    Thank youuu!!
    I dont think i've voided anyone in the past week but i dont want to give you an accidental move in ヽ(;▽;)ノ but if you have 10 villagers it shouldn't be a problem. .. .
    ; ; i think. . .
    Okiedokie looks like my friend needs me to hold her, so can i come over whenever your ready? ( ^ω^ )
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