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  • I'm afraid you misunderstood, let me help you out. The times on your VMs are of no use to me. Why? Because it is not my duty to go searching through each person's messages, I monitor my auction thread and that's it. The only details that matter to me are the ones on my thread. This has nothing to do with favoritism, I don't even know either of you.
    Hey there~ The rules have nothing to do with no editing, but rather that you cannot bid more than you can afford. From what I can tell, you tried to claim the spot as yours without actually having the bells on hand. Since the edit time is later than liszst's posting time, there is nothing else I can go off of except to assume that liszst was ready before you. I'm not even sure why you would assume that it would count, I can't just "hold spots" for people ^^;

    Please don't try to use gifting your friend or selling your blue candy lower than you'd like as a way to guilt me into giving you the slot.

    Sorry things didn't go quite right for you, no hard feelings I hope :)
    10 now

    I didn't know so I'm sad now :'(

    Also It'll probably late tomorrow since I have to go to a family thing
    This might sound dumb but are you on ur phone or laptop or potato or :lemon: or what
    Im not judging at least u don't have the default hair and clothes :/

    What game do you want to play
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