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  • hey there! I got all your pokemon orders ready, but you might need to replace the flamethrower moveset for Alolan Ninetales as it is a ice/fairy type. Also for Rowlet since you wanted to keep the Giga drain I needed to change its ball to a regular Pokeball if that is ok with you? Let me know the changes and I'll get on to trade. Thanks c:
    got your order! uh for the move set I think you added an extra one? so was wondering which one you wanted to keep/take out first.. once I know
    your Rowlet will be ready c:
    sorry for the mix up on the Rockruff! :c
    totally slipped my mind that it was only a special event for the Ultra version
    but I do hope you enjoy the shiny eevee! <3
    oh sorry! I forgot you can't trade the tempo rockruff to Sun D: I'm on Ultra Sun
    would you like another pokemon in return?
    hm I'm not seeing a Sophie in my guest list
    are you going by another name in pokemon by any chance?
    great! I'll get on now ~
    I'll send you a trade request once I see your name in my friend's list.. my ign is Jane c:
    see you soon!
    is there a specific time you might be on? I just noticed your timezone is UK.. and it was around 3:34 AM for me when you VM me. I'm EST
    hey there! I'm available starting now till later tonight ~
    I've already added your fc as well c:
    hii! omgosh I'm so sorry for the late reply ~ been so busy this whole week ;w;
    but if you can tell me when you are available to trade
    we can set a date/time c:
    thank you! <3
    I plan on getting Sword and Shield. I don’t plan on getting the other Let’s Go game.
    Hey I don’t know if you saw my post or if you are ignoring it, but I was wondering if your red cosmos in your shop are from 2019? If so i’d like to buy one from you please!
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