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  • You should check out the latest announcements. Posting there will enter you into a pie collectible raffle.

    And about the Christmas lights collectibles, I decided to send 20 of them to other members on this forum, starting with you.
    I have the two Pokémon ready for whenever you are available. Just let me know. :)
    I don’t need them now because I managed to get them yesterday
    Remember when I said that Eevee was my favorite Pokémon? Now it isn’t. Eevee isn’t even my favorite first gen Pokémon. My favorite Pokémon is Hoppip. As for the first generation, it is Oddish.

    What do you think of Oddish and Hoppip?
    So you said that you like the school uniforms in Harry Potter. If I can remember from learning about other cultures, those are the typical British school uniforms. Is that true?
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    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (when Harry sees Professor Slughorn's altered memory of a young Tom Riddle asking how a Horcrux might work)
    So it wasn’t until the near end where they focused on destroying the horcruxes. One thing I learned was that Voldemort knew the dangers of doing so before he even created them. That’s what makes him really, really evil. He did something horrible, knowing the consequences.
    I did watch the movies, but rarely though. I noticed the dark progression in the movies, where some school bully (worse than Draco) becomes a scary-looking creature at the end.
    I love your new aesthetic Sophie! 🥰🌟💚
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    Just asked them if they were thinking of bringing back their shop 💖
    After looking over the signature I really believe that I would not be able to make one like that 😅 Thank you so much for thinking of me though! Mine are normally quite similar and simple like my examples :D
    But I don’t know anyone else who makes signatures. :(

    What else can you do?
    Hi! Just visited your dream address for Hogwarts, you did an amazing job I really liked it. Love the Quidditch area, probably some of my favorite scenes from the movies are the quidditch matches (yeah I'm weird like that haha), and really like the creativity with the ground art and the stands. The Herbology classroom and potions classroom were amazing as well, just love all the small details makes me want to read the books or watch the movies again.

    Also didn't know Phoebe's house was so cool, or I guess i should say hot lol. Love the hogwart's house rooms in your house too, wish I had some constructive criticism but honestly as a Harry Potter fan I just loved it.
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