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  • Aw, it looks super cute! I love the designs you used on your standees and your paths. <3
    Ah, I actually don't play ACNL anymore, so I probably won't be able to visit your dream address anytime soon. :c I'm sure it's really nice, though! Have you uploaded any pics of your town to your tumblr?
    Just one!
    wait i think ik, you restart your town and finish it and put the DA up, and you do it again. So you make towns just to set them as dream towns.?
    oh i thought you were planning to send me your other town DA after disney. But l'm still excited.
    How many towns do you have?
    You just made me happy
    Yay i can see your beautiful towns, but i can't right at this moment cause mornings i dont go on AC. So maybe at night i'll visit your dream towns.
    Gates to cashmoni are now open! Feel free to look at the other rv and stuff from harvey~
    Just let me know once you're finished
    Hiya, sorry again,
    In your wishlist you want a patched dress right? Jack is in my RV today so if you wanna grab it I can open my gates or i can grab it for you, I'm already gonna time travel one more day for someone else's order.
    Let me know!
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