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  • No problem! Listen can you do me a favor? I want to verify that he is in your town. If you are not against it, can you TT to the next day and see if his plot of land is there?

    Edit: Success! Enjoy Erik, I know that he will be loved in your town.
    Great! I'm trying to quickly and carefully TT to the right day. I'll edit this post when ready.

    Edit: I'm adding your FC now.
    Good news, Erik asked to leave. Do you still have space in your town? That way I can TT faster tonight.
    Okay that wasn't suppose to happen, ugh I'm tired of belltree its that this website is very slow at loading things.
    haha nice I can see your skipping halloween for your signature and right to christmas, very nice.
    It would look wrong if I have christmas signature because my both towns are zelda towns so my signature wouldn't look right with zelda christmas looks.
    Ok, I’ll let you know when he decides to move. In the meantime, I’ll try to get his house back the way it originally was.
    sorry but nope since its my only one :-'(
    I got it last Christmas for free so they might do this again this year!
    hey did you take any orange flowers out of my town i dont know i left my 3ds online and now they were gone. i restored them though
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