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  • recently, the site sent 10 seashells to all older users, which is enough for a namechange from the shop (from Kappn's Shop), if you never received the shells, then you should message the admins about it...
    A thread that serves no purpose other than to state that you hate your username lacks discussion value. As stated, if you want a username change you'll need to save up the bells yourself without asking other members to assist you, as you've been told already.

    Just stay active and you'll eventually earn the necessary bells! :blush:
    kawaii?? umm lol i think its really cute, especially with your signature and photo
    what were you thinking of changing it to?
    Just saw the thread, I get on my game and see if I need to order anything else.
    I think it's possible!! Just let me know your schedule and your timezone so we can work it out. :)
    i have great news! i am ungrounded. i will be able to let people over or visit in a few hours. c:
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