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  • are you sure? my username has spaces in it. It's easier if you click directly in my sidebar.
    If you did send it to the wrong user, you should make a thread in contact the staff to ask them to correct it :)
    aww thank you ♥
    (don't want to rush you, but please don't forget to send the tbt when you're ready :blush:)
    hi! i made most of them, but not all of them. I've just started the process of linking to all the qr codes i've made/used on my tumblr. I'm new to this site so idk how it works exactly but i think if you click on my signature it'll link you to my blog and you can see some of my qrs there if you're interested :)
    Hey there, sorry for the late replies. I took a teeny break from the site, but I'm back. Just tell me when to open my gates and will do!
    We'll see~ As I can't edit the rating it will stay there as a warning to people you have trades with in the future...
    Sending me a bunch of VMs is pushy in my definition of it. Mind you, you were pushy before this conversation, not just now when you sent 4 VMs in a row in less than 2 minutes, now that is not being resourceful. I get that you had to go but it was still a bit rude to not at least thank me for the flowers, which saying thank you doesn't take a lot of time at all anyway... Even I have things outside of AC that I need to get done today but I took the time to give you the flowers despite just waking up and not being ready. I know that I am also at fault for the delay as well too, but I apologized for that.
    Hey there, I'm at school right now so I can't open. Can you do it later today?
    Yes I can it will give me time to move stuff around. I am in the process of moving my items and a few flowers to my new town. I'll let you know when I get on.
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